Lirica in Piazza con Il Serchio delle Muse: presentato il ricco calendario del festival

Torna l’appuntamento più atteso dell’anno con la musica lirica.
L’associazione musicale “Il Serchio delle Muse” ha presentato stamattina (venerdì 14 luglio) la nuova
edizione del festival estivo – fondato dal compianto maestro Luigi Roni – presso la sede dell’Unione Comuni
Garfagnana a Castelnuovo.
Quindici concerti – dal 18 luglio al 14 dicembre –, ad ingresso gratuito, con 42 diversi artisti di fama
internazionale che animeranno le piazze della Valle del Serchio da nord a sud.

È davvero un calendario ricco e di spessore quello che l’associazione ha proposto quest’anno grazie al fondamentale contributo di tutti coloro che hanno deciso di sostenere la manifestazione.

Si parte martedì 18 luglio, alle ore 21, da Coreglia Antelminelli. Alla Limonaia del Forte, infatti, si terrà il
primo concerto lirico in programma con protagonisti Giorgio Casciarri (tenore), Miwako Okamura
(soprano), Francesco Ellero D’Artegna (basso), Christine Knorren (mezzosoprano) e Debora Mori
(pianoforte). Si proseguirà poi il 23 luglio a Pasquigliora (Molazzana) – con un concerto lirico speciale a Casa
Maraini -, il 25 luglio a Castiglione di Garfagnana, il 29 luglio a Pieve Fosciana (concerto del duo Ardinghi-De
Simone), il 4 agosto a Gallicano e il 5 agosto a Calomini nella piazza intitolata al maestro Roni.
Da cerchiare anche le date del 10 agosto a Castelvecchio – con la serata omaggio al poeta nel giardino di
Casa Pascoli –, dell’11 agosto al Lago Santo Modenese di Pievepelago – unico concerto al di fuori dei
confini toscani – e del 12 agosto al Rifugio Rossi sulla Pania della Croce a Molazzana. Il 15 agosto il festival
si sposterà a Careggine, poi il 16 agosto a Fosciandora dove si terrà il concerto finale degli allievi
dell’accademia del baritono Bruno Caproni.
Rush finale il 20 agosto – con il concerto del Trio Mila a Puglianella (Camporgiano) – il 26 agosto a
Gramolazzo – con un concerto lirico nella sala della Banca BCC -, il 7 agosto al Casinò di Bagni di Lucca e,
dulcis in fundo, il 14 dicembre al Teatro Alfieri di Castelnuovo di Garfagnana dove andrà in scena, alle ore
21, il melodramma “L’Elisir d’amore” di Gaetano Donizetti.

Intervenuti alla conferenza stampa di presentazione del festival Fosco Bertoli, presidente dell’Associazione
Musicale “Il Serchio delle Muse”, Andrea Tagliasacchi, presidente dell’Unione Comuni Garfagnana e
sindaco di Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Mario Puppa, consigliere regionale, Sabrina Giannotti, assessore del
comune di Barga, Maurizio Micheli, vice-sindaco di Pievepelago, Francesco Pinagli, segretario generale
dell’Unione Comuni Garfagnana e Michele Salotti che si è occupato di seguire la parte artistica della
manifestazione lirica.

“Ci tengo a ringraziare – ha commentato il presidente Fosco Bertoli – tutti coloro che, a vario titolo, hanno dato il proprio contributo per rendere possibile un cartellone di questo livello. Ringrazio, in particolare, la
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, la Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca e la Banca Versilia
Lunigiana e Garfagnana per il decisivo sostegno. Grazie anche ai media partners della manifestazione e
alle istituzioni: i 14 Comuni della Valle coinvolti, l’Unione dei Comuni della Garfagnana e l’Unione dei
Comuni della Mediavalle del Serchio, il comune di Pievepelago, la Regione Emilia-Romagna, la Provincia
di Modena, e la Regione Toscana e la Provincia di Lucca per il patrocinio concesso alla manifestazione.
Attraverso la musica si può fare promozione turistica, unendo le tradizioni alle peculiarità tipiche dei nostri

In un libro la storia del Serchio delle Muse e del Maestro Luigi Roni

Per l’associazione “Il Serchio delle muse” è stata una serata ricca di emozioni ma anche di orgoglio per tutto quello che ha fatto in questi vent’anni per la musica e per il territorio. Così l’evento che si è svolto al Teatro Alfieri, e che ha visto anche la presentazione del volume scritto da Sara Moscardini dedicato all’indimenticato  Maestro Luigi Roni, morto per Covid nel 2020.

Il libro è stato pubblicato dalla banca della dell’Identità e della Memoria e dal “Serchio delle muse”  con il contributo delle due Unioni Comuni della valle del Serchio

In questa serata, dove i ricordi si sono intrecciati con le emozioni non poteva mancare la musica; ecco allora sul palco le bellissime voci del soprano di Linda Campanella, del tenore Giorgio Casciarri, del baritono Marzio Giossi e la suadenti note del piano del maestro Roberto Barrali.

La serata, presentata da Irene del Debbio, si è aperta con il saluto del Presidente Fosco Bertoli che nell’occasione ha voluto ringraziare tutti coloro che in questi anni hanno sostenuto e finanziato le attività dell’associazione; attività che regalano e hanno regalato centinaia di concerti gratuiti su tutto il territorio, portatori di spettacolo ed emozioni anche in luoghi dove la musica non era mai arrivata. E creando così  anche una qualificata  attrazione culturale per i turisti che nel periodo estivo affollano la valle del Serchio

The echo of opera echoes in the valley

The opera festival in the Serchio Valley will debut tomorrow, promoted by the musical association Il Serchio delle Muse with the president Fosco Bertoli, in memory of maestro Luigi Roni.

In Vergemoli the concert of the Serchio delle Muse in memory of Maestro Luigi Roni

The Vergemoli Amphitheater in the municipality of Fabbriche di Vergemoli will host the long-awaited opera evening of Il Serchio delle Muse on 13 July.

The internationally renowned artists who will perform on stage are Alessandra Meozzi - soprano, Bruno Caproni - baritone, Vladmir Reutov - tenor and Julian Evans - piano.

The splendid location of Vergemoli marries the philosophy of the founder of Il Serchio delle Muse, Luigi Roni, a world-famous bass who in his career has also collaborated with Luciano Pavarotti.

Michele Giannini Mayor of Fabbriche di Vergemoli: “In the memory of Maestro Roni, this year too there will be the show in Vergemoli of Il Serchio delle Muse.

We are happy about it, it is for us a way to remember our teacher with affection, it is a way to brighten the evening of many people, it is the way to show together with the friends of Il Serchio delle Muse that art is within reach of all; it is for everyone keeping the teaching wanted by the master Luigi Roni ”.

Closing concert of the 2019 Festival

Gallicano Teatro Guazzeli
To conclude the summer season of the Serchio delle Muse, Tosca's show is scheduled in the Alfieri theater in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana. Tosca, one of Giacomo Puccini's great works is performed in three acts. Tosca is a political story, set in Rome in June 1800 (during the Napoleonic wars and a period of great political unrest). The plot revolves around three main characters: the Rome diva Floria Tosca, her lover Mario Cavaradossi (painter and republican) and the corrupt police chief, Baron Scarpia. It is a dramatic story of love, betrayal and murder. The show will take place on September 6 at 9.00 pm and will be performed with friends of the Reggio Emilia operetta under the direction of Stefano Giaroli. Admission to the theater is free, but due to the great interest shown by our customers, I would suggest calling the theater and booking seats. The Alfieri theater was built in 1860 and is the most important theater in the Serchio valley and one of the largest theaters in the province of Lucca. At one time the theater sponsored the regular opera seasons, but then switched to film shows after the war and eventually closed. It was purchased by the Municipality of Castelnuovo and reopened in 2006. I would like to thank all those who supported Serchio delle Muse this year. We were delighted with the success of the season and to see so many of our full capacity concerts. We are planning events in the autumn and we will inform you via our website or Barga News. Imogen McNamara Vice President, Serchio delle Muse.

Serchio delle Muse program 30 August - 31 August

On August 30th Serchio delle Muse presents a recital "Italian Evening" with baritone Bruno Caproni and pianist Julien Evans. They are two exceptionally talented artists. The recital will take place in the Conference Room of the BVLG Bank, Gramolazzo, at 9.00 pm. The small town of Gramolazzo is located on the edge of Gramolazzo lake, 1 kilometer long. It is an artificial lake built in the 19th century to supply hydroelectricity. It is an area known for its gastronomy, abundance of flora and fauna and for water points and excursions. The second concert will take place at the Villa Collemandina theatre at 9.00 pm. It presents the voices of the Serchio choir conducted by Ugo Menconi and there will be popular songs inspired by Alpine traditions and the world. Villa Collemandina has been inhabited since Etruscan times and was the home of the Apuans until they were conquered by the Romans in 180 BC. In 1430 it passed into the hands of the Este family and remained under their control until the Italian reunification. Between 1803 and 1806 the municipality of Villa Collemandina was founded. Initially there was a castle on the hill, but it was replaced by a church with cloisters adorned with 16 sandstone columns. Inside the parish church there are two marble altars by Nicola Civitali from 1533 and a recently restored wooden triptych. Nature lovers can go for walks in the Orecchiella Park or in the Pania di Corfino botanical gardens.

Serchio delle Muse program for the week 18th - 25th August.

This week the Serchio delle Muse presents a rare opportunity to listen to traditional Neapolitan music shows. The Via Toledo Classic ensemble performs the most famous and popular songs, which express the feelings and hopes of Neapolitans of all social levels. The tenor Roberto Iuliano leads the group. Musicians play with passion and joy and it is a pleasure to listen to them. There are three shows, the first on August 23 is in the medieval city of Castiglione. Surrounded by walls built in the thirteenth century, which have two large towers, Castiglione contains the church of San Pietro, built in 723 and largely rebuilt in the twelfth century, and the church of San Michele built in the fourteenth century. Walk to the stands in the city, come to a cemetery, where you see how many young people from this area lost their lives on the Russian front during the Second World War. The concert will be held in the central square and starts at 9.00 pm. The second concert will be held in the serene and peaceful park of the convent of Sant'Elisabetta and the cloister and church of San Francesco, in Borgo a Mozzano on August 24 at 9.00 pm. The large arched cloisters present a series of frescoes depicting the life of San Francesco and were painted by Domenico Manfredi between 1635 and 1637. The church of San Francesco was built in 1523. The buildings are now the headquarters of the Misericordia di Borgo in Mozzano under the direction of the extremely capable Gabrielle Brunini. The third concert will be held in Camporgiano in Piazza San Giacomo at 21.00 on Sunday 25 August. Located in a valley that divides the mountain range of the Apuan Alps and the Apennines, the various villages that make up the city still maintain a medieval urban plan. The highlight of Camporgiano is the fortress of the Rocca Estense, a citadel overlooking the main square of the city. In the upper part of the citadel there is a suspended garden. The citadel is an example of extensive military architecture of the fifteenth century with walls, trapezoidal plan and conical corner towers. Imogen McNamara

Concerts in August for Serchio delle Muse

Following the tradition of performing in concerts in beautiful and historic villages of the Garfagnana, Serchio dell Muse holds three concerts this week. The first is at Coreglia Antiminelli in the "A Bambi" theater, starting at 9.00 pm. The first reference to Coreglia Antiminelli is found in the archiepiscopal archives of Lucca in 1048. It is a city known for its history in the creation of plaster figurines. This was the main industry of the inhabitants during the 16th and 17th centuries and in the city there is a municipal museum dedicated to this craftsmanship and emigration. The concert on Monday evening of August 12 with Linda Campanella, Matteo Pierone and Andrea Albertini on the piano, presents historical costumes and scenarios. Wednesday 15 August there is a concert in Carregine. This village is located on a plateau at 882 meters and has a panoramic terrace overlooking the entire valley. Inside the walls there is one of the oldest Romanesque churches in Italy. The original construction dates back to 720 and the church has preserved its medieval structure. The concert will take place at the entrance of this church, of San Pietro and San Paolo. It will contain opera arias with Angela Gandolfo, our famous Bruno Caproni, Alessandro Fatoni and Robert Barrali on the piano. There is another concert on Saturday 17 August at 9.00 pm in Fosciandora, in the Vladimiro Zucchi room. This city was the borderland for the historical regions of Garfagnana and Lucchesi. It was fought for centuries by various sovereigns and today fortifications and outposts of these conflicts are still evident. The fortress of Ceserana, a church-castle was built in the 12th century and is decorated with an elegant apse and wooden statues, carved in the 14th century. The concert will present the brass quintet Diffusion, in collaboration with AMA Cultura and the Pro Loco of Castiglione in Garfagnana. The concert was conceived and organized by Matteo Marcalli, one of the members of the Serchio dell Muse committee. Since the two previous concerts of the Serchio delle Muse, at Casa Pascoli, Castelvecchio Pascoli and Barga at the Loggia del Podesta, had been performed for a large capacity audience, I would suggest arriving a little early for the concerts this week. Imogen McNamara


Important message:

Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow evening, the Operetta scheduled in Piazza Garibaldi has been canceled. The event will be recovered on another date, still to be defined. We apologize for any inconvenience.



Below the Eremo on the main road the Civic Protection have organised a bus to take people to the mass and the concert at 17:00. After the concert the bus will take the people down from the Eremo.

The service will also be guaranteed at the end of the event to accompany people from the Hermitage to the main road.
